How BP applies technology in its self-service experience

With 350 fuel stations, BP is a large player in the Dutch market. They are fully committed to accelerating the energy transition and strive for the best customer experience. Part of this is providing hassle-free payment at their self-service machines.

Benefits of flawless payment

A few years ago BP started improving payment for their customers and focused on cashless options. “Flawless transactions are a pleasure to our visitors and do benefit our own operation as well. By eliminating cash, we eliminated disadvantages like cash handling and fraud too. And staff safety has been significantly improved”, says Jurrianne Biekart, Program Manager at BP Retail The Netherlands. “Another advantage was that coffee turnover increased significantly because in the Netherlands people don’t carry cash money that often anymore, but they do have their mobile phone or bank card with them to pay”, Jurrianne continues.


“We are surprised by the benefits of the real-time insights that we get with SmartNow, and how this benefits our customers as well as our business.”


Insights and control

In order to provide cashless payment, every machine is now connected to the SmartNow platform. This unlocks many opportunities, both commercial and operational. “It enables us to keep control over our self-service fleet. We know exactly what products are sold most, and at what times so we can efficiently plan cleaning and maintenance. Up till now, we connected toilet turnstiles, car washes, and coffee machines. It helps us optimize the customer journey and our services”, says Jurrianne.



BP chose SmartNow as its technology provider. Jurrianne: “Along their platform SmartNow provides hardware add-ons like their PayStations. Their package makes us independent of machine manufacturers and all information and control is in one system. That’s a real plus.” 


One of the things that BP appreciated greatly in the partnership with SmartNow, is the flexibility and the willingness to think along and help. “Applying the newest payment methods and using the data was all new for us. SmartNow explained it very well and helped us in getting more out of our self-service machines. In the future we would like to investigate together how we can improve and expand BP’s customer journey in self-service”, concludes Jurrianne.



Many thanks to Jurrianne and BP Retail Netherlands for sharing their story. We’re looking forward to the continuation of our partnership for many more years.


More information:

BP Retail Netherlands

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